









Speaking of pharmaceutical products, you may think of neatly packaged capsules and tablets. If you look back on human history, you will find that pharmaceutical products originated from medicinal plants, and medicinal plants have inspired many pharmaceutical medicines. Kampo medicine uses natural animals, plants and minerals as they are or simply processes them before use. Therefore, medicinal plants are very important in medical and pharmaceutical areas even today when modern medicines have been developed.

Many of the medicinal plants are pleasant to see as decorations. It will be interesting for you to find that the plants that you see in daily life have medical properties. The Medicinal Plant Garden at the Sakado Campus of Josai University still maintains the thickly wooded foothills (satoyama) that have existed since the foundation of the university at its westernmost point, having approximately 800 species of plants.

We at Josai University would like our students, teachers, graduates and community members to use the Medicinal Plant Garden as a sort of haven, enhancing the varieties of plants that are grown in Musashino.

For the outline of the Medicinal Plant Garden, refer to the university’s website ( http://www.josai.ac.jp/ ). The Medicinal Plant Garden at the Sakado Campus of Josai University will welcome you with its scenic beauty, with the Chichibu mountains in the west and the slowly running Komagawa River in the south.



月曜日~土曜日 9時30分~15時00分





Usage guide to the Medicinal Plant Garden

Opening hours

9:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m., Monday to Saturday
(the greenhouses are open until 3:00 p.m. from March through November)
Closed on Sundays, national holidays, the university’s holidays (Middle of August, year-end and New Year, the anniversary of foundation of the university or April 20) and days of entrance examinations.

Visitor information

The following proceedings should be taken prior to visit.
?Tell the entrance gatehouse, at the main gate of the university, that you wish to visit the Medicinal Plant Garden.
?Ask the General Affairs Department in advance, if you are not a student/teacher of the university or if you would like to visit the Medicinal Plant Garden in a group.

Caution to visitors

?Do not touch the plants within the garden.
?Some plants and specimens for research are extremely poisonous.


所在地 〒350-0295
交通機関 東武東上線「坂戸」で越生線に乗り換え「川角」下車、徒歩約10分、JR八高線「高麗川」駅よりシャトルバスで15分
総面積 6,000 ㎡
設立年 1973年
設立の趣旨 薬学教育の基礎として学生に供覧すると共に、研究材料の栽培ならびに特に重要な薬用植物の試験栽培及び保存。地域社会の教育活動への協力。
施設 低屋温室  111.44 ㎡
高屋温室  83.25 ㎡
管理棟   187.51 ㎡
職員組織 運営委員会(2023年現在)
北村 雅史 准教授、鈴木 龍一郎 准教授、菊地 秀与助教、横川 貴美助教
栽培研究 日本植物園協会第四部会の共同栽培研究に参加して次の栽培研究を行った。
ムラサキ  1985~1987年
シャクヤク 1985~1989年
シャクヤク 1989~1993年
コガネバナ 1993~1995年
その他 埼玉県指定天然記念物、「ステゴビル」の保存栽培。当園の案内は全国植物園ガイドに収載されている。


The Medicinal Plant Garden of Josai University was founded under the Standards for Establishment of Universities from the former Education Ministry when the Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences was assembled in 1973.The aim of the foundation was that the Medicinal Plant Garden should provide its availability to students as the basis of pharmaceutical education, cultural research materials, cultivate and preserve to especially important medicinal plants and cooperate in community educational activities. Then the greenhouses were built and the agricultural fields were expanded. As a result of the arrangement, the number of plant species reached about 800. In 2015, when a new building was constructed for the Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences to celebrate the 50th anniversary of foundation of the university, the Medicinal Plant Garden was moved to Shimokawara, an area to the east, near the university. Two greenhouses (a tall building and a low building) and a new administration building were built. The total area is now 6000 square meters, including two agricultural fields.
Recently, the Medicinal Plant Garden preserves and grows Caloscordum inutile, an endangered species of the lily family that has been designated as a natural monument by Saitama. The plant has only been identified in two locations: Nissai, Sakado (white flower) and Chichibu (heliotrope flower) in Saitama prefecture. Being located in such a rich natural environment, we at the Medicinal Plant Garden of Josai University would like to contribute to the development of the community by further encouraging social activities, and holding lecture meetings and plant-watching sessions within the university and the walking trails along the Komagawa River, so that 威尼斯赌博游戏_澳门威尼斯赌场 people will be interested in the natural environment and plants.


1973年 薬学部の創設と同時に標本園、栽培試験圃場の設置(3,042 ㎡)
1975年 栽培圃場の増設 1(1,210 ㎡)
1977年 低屋温室(77 ㎡)の建設
1978年 低屋温室周辺を整地して学内見本図とする(825 ㎡)
1979年 高屋温室(51 ㎡)の建設
1980年 日本植物園協会に入会
1983年 自動散水装置の設置
2015年 栽培圃場の増設 2(1,821 ㎡)
2016年 新低屋?新高屋温室?管理棟の建設(397 ㎡)、低屋?高屋温室、学内見本園の撤去


1973年 Specimen garden and test garden are founded at the same time as the establishment of the Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences(3,042 ㎡)
1975年 Extension of farm 1(1,210 ㎡)
1977年 Construction of low-roof greenhouse(77 ㎡)
1978年 Grade the land around low-roof greenhouse and construct it to a campus exhibition garden(825 ㎡)
1979年 Construction of high-roof greenhouse(51 ㎡)
1980年 Attend JAPAN Association of Botanical Gardens
1983年 Set up of automatic spraying water device
2015年 Extension of farm 2(1,821 ㎡)
2016年 Construction of a new low-roof greenhouse, high-roof greenhouse and an administration building(397 ㎡).
Removal of campus exhibition garden and the old greenhouses


  1. ホーム
  2.  >  薬用植物園